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Writer's pictureDr. Jimmy Griffith

God is Ready to Promote You

The Lord has called you to be influential in the world.  He has set you apart to lead many people and to bless them with the gifts He has placed within you.  The Lord Jesus Christ has appointed you to impact nations and to direct the lost.  The Lord has chosen you to be a light to His people; to set the standard and raise the level of excellence.  The Lord has appointed you to be a king and priest of righteousness, shining forth His light and truth to all nations.

He has allowed you to be tested to make sure you are ready.  He has allowed you to go through periods of discouragement to verify that even in discouragement you will still seek the Lord.  He has allowed you to experience loss and setback to see if you will still pursue the kingdom even when you lack.  He has allowed people to turn their backs on you to see if you will still turn your face to God. 

Your spirit has been tested, your faith has been tested, your vision has been tested, and your mental fortitude has been tested.  Because you have gone through testing and you didn’t give up, God is going to promote you to a higher place.  Because you patiently waited upon God in the midst of sadness, Jesus Christ is getting ready to position you in the highest seat yet.  Because you have overcome some of the greatest challenges and temptations and you still held on to His everlasting word, He is going to give you power over the nations and you will rule them with a rod of iron. 

It's time to move into your ministry!  It’s time to move into your position of authority in the name of Jesus Christ!

Reference: I Samuel 30, Isaiah 60

COME JOIN THE KINGDOM LEADERSHIP PROGRAM TODAY.  LET ME PERSONALLY MENTOR AND TRAIN YOU!  Go to and select “Kingdom Leadership and Join the Kingdom School. We meet every Sunday for Private Kingdom Leadership Development. You will become spiritually empowered and naturally blessed in every area of your life. You will heal and lead your community.


In His service,

Pastor Dr. Jimmy Griffith


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- Pastor Dr. Jimmy Griffith

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Aaaammmmmeeennnnn Sir I receive this prophetic word in the mighty name of Jesus


Praise him! Thank you JESUS for the word!



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