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God is Restoring Your Peace of Mind

Writer's picture: Dr. Jimmy GriffithDr. Jimmy Griffith

Things are going to get better as you listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.  Your quality of life will improve as you seek His perfect will.  Right now, it may seem like you're being faced with challenges, tests, and trials, but let the Lord restore your confidence in that He will bring you up and out of any negative situation impacting your life.  Even in the midst of your depression and anxiety, the Lord Jesus Christ has the power to make you rejoice again and to give you supernatural peace. As you press deeper in the realm of the Spirit, God is going to:

Restore your inner peace.

Fill your heart with joy.

Create in you a positive mindset.

Empower you with the baptism of the Spirit.

Give you the tools and resources to fund the vision He has for your life.

The challenges that are before you are sent to make you stronger.  As a leader, you are called to coach and mentor others and you can’t fulfill that role without overcoming tribulations.  God is molding you into the person He wants you to be.  It may not be easy, but it’s worth it.  When you look back on where Jesus has brought you, your spirit will rejoice.  You will realize He was with you the entire time. 

He was with you in the fire.

He was with you in the flood.

He was with you in the adversity.

He was with you in the pain.

He was with you in every single challenge.

The entire time, He has been molding and strengthening you.  He has been placing steel in your gut, equipping you with skills and gifts that you would never have obtained on your own.  Be reminded today, God is with you!  God is for you!  God wants you to win!  He is your Heavenly Father and He wants you to succeed.  He wants you to triumph in victory.  Today, the power of God is released upon your life, giving you the ability to overcome and have the right mindset; you will conquer for the Lord.

References: Isaiah 43:2, Isaiah 48:17, Jeremiah 30:17, Acts 1:8

COME JOIN THE KINGDOM LEADERSHIP PROGRAM TODAY.  LET ME PERSONALLY MENTOR AND TRAIN YOU!  Go to and select “Kingdom Leadership and Join the Kingdom School. We meet every Sunday for Private Kingdom Leadership Development. You will become spiritually empowered and naturally blessed in every area of your life. You will heal and lead your community.


In His service,

Pastor Dr. Jimmy Griffith


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- Pastor Dr. Jimmy Griffith

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Prophetess E
Feb 11, 2024

Amen! Thank you Jesus for restoration Thank you for peace of mind & anxiety God that you ate restoring. 🙌🏼💟🙏🏼 Thank you Pastor!


Cynthia Hillhouse
Feb 11, 2024

Amen 🦋


Dana Paul Calabro
Dana Paul Calabro
Feb 10, 2024

WOW Thank You Jesus for this edifying Word of Truth


Inez Carabajal
Feb 10, 2024

AMEN! Almighty God bless you and your family.🙏🏽💖🙏🏽


Bro. Ro Abraham
Feb 10, 2024

I Receive this in JESUS name! Thank you for strength and molding me into the person you want me to be, thank you for the Peace! Amen 🙏🏿

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