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God Wants You to Think Like Him

You must think like a conqueror in order to conquer. You must believe like a leader in order to lead. God is calling you to new territory and new opportunity, but you must see it the way He does. What you view as a challenge is actually an opportunity; what you view as a problem, God sees as your chance. What you think is a giant, God sees as a grasshopper; and what you see as a threat is actually your blessing.

God has placed the anointing in your life to push things out of your way. The anointing that is upon you, will always rise to the top. The anointing is sent cover the wounds, give revelation, empower and energize your environment and give you victory over your enemies. The anointing helps you to see the situation the way the Holy Spirit sees it. The anointing gives you the ability to function where there is dysfunction; the ability to see the end result when you are just beginning.

Do not be discouraged as you conquer new territory. It may seem like an impossible task, it may feel like a great mountain to climb; you may not see how God is going to use the situation for your good, but remember, He has a plan. You are ordained of God so there is nothing that can stand in your way if you have faith.

You must confess it with your mouth!

You must believe it in your heart!

You must speak with words of life and faith!

You must back it up with action!

You must follow when the voice of God speaks!

You must carry the name of Jesus Christ everywhere you go!

You must believe the report of the Lord!

God has called you to think and rule like Him!

References: To listen to this message and the entire series, go to and select “Kingdom Leadership – How to Think Like a Kingdom Leader.” You will never be the same. Numbers 13:17-20, Proverbs 18:21, Isaiah 41:25

In His service,

Pastor Dr. Jimmy Griffith


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- Pastor Dr. Jimmy Griffith

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7 comentários

Inez Carabajal
07 de jan.



Abi Deann
Abi Deann
18 de nov. de 2023

Glory Hallelujah to you God!🙌🏾 Thank you Jesus, Amen 🌟


Yana Riba
10 de nov. de 2023

Amen 🙏


Dana Paul Calabro
Dana Paul Calabro
07 de nov. de 2023

In the Name of Jesus


Morgan Wooten
07 de nov. de 2023

Amen 🙏🏽

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