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God Will Protect & Defend You

Writer's picture: Dr. Jimmy GriffithDr. Jimmy Griffith

God says to you, DO NOT FEAR OR WORRY, YOU ARE MY POSSESSION. Child of God, you have nothing to fear because the Lord God is watching over you. His eyes are upon you every day, not a moment goes by that His angel is not protecting you. You must remember that God rules it all, He controls it all, and He established it all. Every enemy that has been moved against you will fail. Every person riding against you will be overthrown by the power of God because you are the anointed of the Lord.

If the Most High took time out of eternity to come in the flesh, live, be pierced, and die for you it means that He will do anything to provide for you. You are the possession of God, the tree of God, the land of God, the vehicle of Jesus Christ. You are protected and guarded because God values and protects what belongs to Him. No one can steal you from the Father, no one can take you out of His hands, and no accidents can happen to what belongs to Him. You are the anointed possession of the Everlasting God and no demon can sabotage you.

The Lord Jesus Christ has formed you for His own glory; He created you to praise Him for His eternal greatness. Stay in the posture of prayer; remain in the posture of praise. You will see miracles, signs, and wonders and they will be birthed through your worship and relationship with God. The Kingdom of God is eternally established throughout the universe; yes, the kingdom influence that God has appointed to you will be established through your praise. Receive God’s call to prayer and supplications; this is the hour and season that heaven will respond and answer you.

He was impoverished that you might be made rich.

He was pierced for you to have a spiritual life.

He was made a curse that you may be granted divine blessings.

He was crucified that you might receive resurrection power.

He accomplished this work so that all of your work will prosper.

Do not fear to go out and establish God’s kingdom in the earth. Do not fear to go out and obtain what God has given you. Believe, be courageous, and know that you are protected and defended by the Most High God, Jesus Christ.

References: Zechariah 12:10, John 19:34, Revelations 1:7, John 10:28-30, Isaiah 9:6

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In His service,

Pastor Dr. Jimmy Griffith

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- Pastor Dr. Jimmy Griffith

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Inez Carabajal
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AMEN I will not fear and I will be courageous!!!🙏🏽💖


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Amen 🙏🏼


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Amen amen amen I receive every word in the mighty name of Jesus amen


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Amen 🙏🏿


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Thank You Jesus! Hallelujah!

I receive this Rhema Word straight from Heavens table 🙌

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