Lift up your eyes to the God of heaven because He is about to pour out supernatural signs, revelations, and divine miracles. Extra levels of grace will be poured out because where sin abounds graces does abound more. Believe for the providence that is coming your way, accept the level of favor that is being dispatched to take care of you and your family!
This will not be a season of demonic oppression, but it will be a time of refreshing from the Lord. Your spirit, soul, and body will be nourished by His presence; your faith and future will be strengthened by calling upon the name of Jesus all day long. God says " I will not fail you, neither will I forsake you." Draw near and claim what belongs to you by faith!
You are going to come out of lack, out of the spiritual prison, and out of the oppressions of darkness. Light is going to shine upon you as you follow Jesus; blessings are going to rest upon you because you are baptized in His name; power is going to surround you because you have been empowered by His Holy Spirit! Wait upon God, your light has come! Wait upon His name, divine energy will engulf you! This is your season of spiritual life in Christ!
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-Pastor Dr. Jimmy Griffith
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Receive this word in Jesus name amen
Amen 🙏🏼
Amennnnn i received this in Jesus name!!! Hallelujah Jesus